Basic calculations in LiveCycle
I'm trying to create basic calculations in a form that I am creating in LiveCycle Designer. Has anyone does this, and can you please give me some help? I don't understand the instructions in the Help...
View ArticleIs it possibile to add dynamic piechart on PDF form
Hi I am trying to create a calculation PDF form. This form is doing several calculation. I need to plot/draw/create pie chart based on the data entered on form. Is this is possibile using Adobe...
View ArticleFile Upload field in livecycle designer
Hi Am trying to create a form which allow user to add an attachment and want to display the size of the attached field.And also i wnt to save the form in the local system .Could anyone help me to come...
View ArticleAutomatic font size reduction in a PDF form
Hello everybody! I'm working with SAP. On my current project I would like to implement a customer form via Adobe Lifecycle Designer. I'm going to ask a developer to implement the following logic: There...
View ArticleValid Scrypt for Grand Total
I have created an expanding table, using the following link: shown below) However, I have been unsuccessful with the...
View ArticleIs it possible to add bullets to subform??????????
HI , I have a subform ,which has a text field and two buttons (add button and remove button).And on-clicking on add button the subform instances will be clicking on remove button the...
View ArticleChanging X coordinate appears not to work
I have a text field directly on a master page (there is a good reason for this) and I want to change it's X coordinate using Javascript code like this: // directly call the "x" attributethis.x =...
View ArticleEmail submit button created in LC ES2 causes Acrobat and Reader to crash
I've created a form in LC ES2, and included an email submit button. When I open this form in Acrobat Reader 10.1.3, click the submit button, and specify "Desktop Email Application," as opposed to the...
View ArticleRed border for required fields?
Is there any way to turn off or change the color of the red border for required fields? We still want to show the fields that have not been filled in, but the red box that highlights all required...
View ArticleHow to uncheck checkboxes when a is empty - or how to not calculate non values
I have 2 numeric fields. When one field is greater than or equal to the second field a checkbox is checked. When the field is empty, what code do you use to ensure the checkbox is unchecked??? So far...
View ArticleForm - Lock fields after input but not signatures.
Good Afternoon, I’ve been reading through the Adobe forums as well as other areas on the net, but can’t seem to find what I am looking for. At present we are doing the below: User will open a pre-made...
View ArticleHide pages of a (PDF-)form via tick in a checkbox
Dear Community, I have a question, of course .I want to create a "interactive catalogue" respectively form with LifeCycle Designer which contains mainly checkboxes. No issue so far but I want to add...
View ArticleConverting forms from PureEdge to Adobe XFA/PDF.
We are trying to convert a series of eforms from PureEdge (xfdl) to Adobe XFA/PDF eforms.Does anyone know if there are any tools, utilities and/or plugins that could be useful to me?My searches have...
View ArticleSaving forms
I created a form with Adobe LiveCycle Designer. But I can't save it while allowing the user to fill it and to register their informations.Should I buy Adobe Pro with Adobe LC to allow users to complete...
View ArticleHow can I get LiveCycle ES2
I owe a copy of LiveCycle Designer ES4. On another system I have LiveCycle Designer ES2 to used to create forms that we use in out application. The ES2 worked great. However, with ES4 our...
View ArticleBest way to insert Degree symbol?
Hello, I have an inspection form set up for restaurant/health inspectors. Often times during an inspection they need to enter temperatures of food and like to use the degree symbol. They're...
View ArticleHow To Set Font Dynamically?
Hi, I am developing this adobe in SAP and basically this is a bill printing. So the bill should be printed in what ever language the user selects. and there are three Indian languages (Hindi, Gujarati,...
View ArticleControlling user interface settings on LiveCycle Designer ES4
How can you control the user interface settings on LiveCycle Designer ES4?
View ArticlePhone number validation...
Is there a way to allow the user to input their phone number how they see fit and have it format it once it has been entered to your specs? For example, the user could input any of the following:...
View ArticleOur company is giving iPads to users, what happens to our forms?
Hello, Ps. let us know does Adobe Interactive forms (developed from LiveCycle designer) will work on Apple iPads (iOS) for users to enter the data on the form? If so, any restrictions? or does users...
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