Updating multiple text fields
I Have created a form where I want the user to enter <client name> in one text field and this updates multiple text fields! the only issue is that the <client name> is in the middle of a...
View ArticleProblem with expanding textfield in Adobe LiveCycle Designer
I've got an urgent problem with Adobe LiveCycle Designer and I really could use some help. The problem is that I'm trying to get my textfield expandable, but whatever I try, it's not working. What I'm...
View ArticleAction Builder Condition and Result not executing (value equal to a total...
Hi everyone, I almost have this working but I'm missing something. I have a numeric field that contains a grand total that is fed from four other numeric fields. I selected the grand total numeric...
View ArticleEmail Submittal Feedback for Customer
I have designed a form with LiveCycle and the form is used to send to customers and it has a "Submit By Email" button in it. The form works great. However, when the customer clicks the "Submit By...
View ArticleError execution in IF checkbox is 1 then Numeric Field is 1, else 0
form1.areaCalc1.Checkbox1::enter - (Javascript, client)if (this.rawValue = 1){ xfa.resolveNode("NumericField1[2]").rawValue = 1; } else { xfa.resolveNode("NumericField1[2]").rawValue =0; I have...
View ArticleWorking with tables
Hello I am working on a form similar to the one mentioned at "Expanding Table with totals." I got everything to work except for the "Grand Total" it gives the error that the language is not the correct...
View ArticleInsert/Delete a page in LiveCycle Designer disabled
I am working with an 8 page form and am trying to delete the last page on the file, however when I try the 'Delete Page' option is disabled or 'greyed out'. I am using Adobe LiveCycle Designer...
View ArticleAdding row dynamically
I am using Livecycle Designer ES 8.2 I need to create a table with capability to add / delete rows dynamically and i should be able to parse the content on the server side using java ( iText) I managed...
View ArticleChange field value based on drop down list selection
Let me start by saying that I consider myself a complete rookie when it comes to this program but I am learning. I have a drop down box that contains two choices (White or Bright White) Based on the...
View ArticleDisplay/hide subform based on Reader version
I have a subform box that I want to appear only if the user is using Reader version less than 9, but am having trouble coming up with the JavaScript formula to make the box appear/not appear, as well...
View ArticleForm - Lock fields after input but not signatures.
Good Afternoon, I’ve been reading through the Adobe forums as well as other areas on the net, but can’t seem to find what I am looking for. At present we are doing the below: User will open a pre-made...
View ArticleReferencing subform instances
I have a tricky issue now that I am hoping someone can help with. I have an 8 page XFA form where the first 4 pages cannot be made expandable because the recipient company has to scan them when sent in...
View ArticleButton to delete CURRENT row of a table
This test document has a table which mostly works like I want, but the delete row buttons always delete the second row regardless of which row's delete button is clicked. The code...
View ArticleForm Calc error Handling:
Hi, Is there any way to implement error handling into a formcalc function? I'm using a Get function to call a file from a web server... It works if there is an internet connection but returns a...
View Articleflowing content changes page layout
I am having a large problem getting things to flow properly. I believe I have set the sub forms properly. I have them positioned. When I go to make the main page flowable the layout of the entire...
View ArticleLiveCycle preview uses PowerPDF instead of Acrobat
When I'm working in Adobe LiveCycle and click the preview tab to preview the PDF I'm working on, it launches in PowerPDF instead of Acrobat, which I wouldn't mind if it didn't take significantly longer...
View ArticleXML namespace in xml converted pdf
Hello everyone I have a problem when converting pdf's in xml. Everytime when I convert a PDF(either with Acrobat or with mailing the file as XML) in XML the date fields always in middle shows the xml...
View ArticleDelete Data Connection for merged record form via scripting
I have a livecycle designer form connected to a OLEDB data base (data base connection name is MailMerging). This form is required to merge multiple fields of data and then create new forms to be...
View ArticleHow to enable javascript
Hi, I have a form that check for data validation using script. If the "Enable Acrobat JavaScript" is not check at the Adobe Reader, the form data validation will not be executed. How can I solve this...
View ArticleHow to reorder / move new pages and subform instances
I have a form that has 2 functions - show a hidden page and duplicate the Page 1 and I need to reorder the pages once the user has added an instance or shown a page. I have Form A (Page 1) that can be...
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