export data without signature data
Hi all, Is it possible when you use a digital signature in Adobe Livecycle designer to export the data without the signature data. Look forward to hear from you, Regards,Ed BoonVisioned
View ArticleDate field populates depending on when form opens
Hi - I have a form to be submitted that includes a list of subjects for a particular meeting that happens each Monday. Can a date field populate with the date of that Monday when the form opens in the...
View Articlehow to get dropdown selected value
I'm trying to set up a form so that a text field will populate with dropdown value. to bind dropdown i am using sqlserver database. i tried this but it is not working :- var sNewSel =...
View ArticleHow to add page numbers
How can add page numbers to my 10 page document I justcreated? Is there a way for me to add page numbers in the footer like you can in MicroSoft Word? The problem is, I already have created my form...
View ArticleCan Reader users Save Form and Preserve data?
I designed a form with Livecycle Designer and sent it to a few people who have Reader only. They are able to fill in the form but when they try to save it they get a message stating: "Data typed into...
View Article"You cannot save data typed into this form" !
Has anyone figured out a workaround? I know there are other free viewers (tracker software) but small business client isn't going to like that they have to pour thousands into reader extensions....
View ArticleConditional Required Fields
Is it possible to have conditional required fields. As in if a certain box is selected, certain fields will become required. Take a look at this example if this needs clarification. In this example,...
View Articlehttp post and Alfresco web script
Hi all, I'm wondering how to send the content of an XFA form into an Alfresco ECM instance. So far, I've been using "email submit buttons" by mail, but I think submitting the xml content directly into...
View ArticleRequire signature field to be signed before submit
Hello,I have created a form that gathers information and needs to require a Digital signature before it can be submitted. I am using livecycle 8.2 and will use the Distribute tool to distribute and...
View ArticleRename a JavaScript Window
Does anyone know of a way to 'rename' a JavaScript window to something other than 'JavaScript' window ? We have a forms that pop us a window with possible user names from an LDAP query. The clients...
View ArticleIf/then statement with hidden fields
I have a form with a drop-down field that has 3 possible values (Today, Tommorrow, Next Week). Below this drop-down field is text field (TextField10) that needs to be filled out by the user ONLY if...
View ArticleJs Script or FormCalc scripting is not appearing in Script editor
Hello Experts, I am facing issue where upon when i write a Js Script or FormCalc script - it is disappearing when I save & activate the form. The scripts are seen in the XML Source tab, but not in...
View ArticleHide the drop down list arrow once the field is filled
I am creating a form that ultimately becomes a published page of directions. After the user selects an item in the drop down list, is there a way to make the arrow hidden. It would need to be...
View ArticleHow to bold a one word in a textfield
I would like to bold a few randomn words in a sentence used as a rawvalue in a textfield.e.g. "Thisword should be bold"Does someone know how to acheive the above through scriptingThank you in...
View ArticleQuestion regarding the SUM of numeric fields
Hey all, Hopefully I have posted this in the appropriate forum (this could probably go into the JS forum as well and if so, my apologies.) My question:I have a monthly mileage log that has a field...
View ArticleEmail submit does not launch Outlook which is set as default client
I designed a form in Adobe LiveCycle and added an Email Submit Button. When I saved the finished form as a PDF and clicked the Email Submit button to test the form (after filling it) it returned an...
View ArticleInteractive Dialogue Box
Hi, Is it possible to develope an interactive dialogue box in livecycle designer from whci we can select values? e.g. for a particular text field, if I enter 2 alphabets and click a search button,...
View ArticleDon't ask for save when close the file.
Maybe you all meet a situation that, if you edit the pdf form with adobe reader or acrobat and close it, it will jump out a window and ask "do you want to save the change before closing?".Does anybody...
View ArticleUpload / Attach File in form
I'm new to the LiveCycle Designer, so please bare with me.I need to design a form that will allow a user to link/attach files. When the user submits the form we would like the form to link to the...
View ArticleChanging Global Variables using Javascript
Hi, I have a project where I need to have lots of signature fields on a single form. I don't want to use a signatureField because this will increase the file size every time a signatureField is signed....
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