How do I get a numeric box to display sequential numbers?
My boss has a word document on which he wants to have a numerical counter.I cannot figure out how to do such a thing in Word. So, I am now working with the document in LiveCycle Designer.I placed a...
View ArticleRepeating Header Rows - Not repeating beyond page 2
Hello, I'm at my wit's end and I have yet to see a response to questions related to repeating headers (though I've seen it in a few forums). I have a flowed form with an initial header table and then 4...
View ArticleCannot preview form in HTML5
When I select the preview in HTML5 tab in Designer, an error states that I must verify my settings under options/server options. It appears that the Server URL setting should be http://localhost......
View ArticleTrying to print form fields only
I have made a fillable form with LiveCycle Designer, it is a 2 page form that my customer will receive by email, fill out and then feeds into a regular ink jet printer to print off fields onto an...
View ArticleHow to 'split' combs with a space in single field? (e.g. 2 digit area code in...
Hi all, Hoping someone can tell me how to get a field to work like the one in the image below? I need to 'split' data entry in the field. I'm well aware that I can use a pattern to display a dash or...
View ArticleHow do I change part of my text via xml when submitting a form to email, to...
Hi,I have the following in xml souce (with additional), which pre-populates the email from a regular button set to submit,I have this so that the layout of the email is great.. but I need to make the...
View ArticleHow to calculate a field based on completion of required fields?
Is it possible to calculate a field as "Complete" or "Not Complete" based on completion of all the form's required fields? For example, the form is is named "Form" and the subform is named "Subform." I...
View ArticleHow can I Insert a new first page?
I have created a form in Live Cycle Designer with multiple pages and somehow accidently deleted the first page. Is there a way to Insert a blank page and insert it where you want (the beginning)...
View ArticleAuto-populate form fields based on end user input?
I'm currently attempting to create a new form that has a combo box "Locations" with various options. What I'm looking to do is have another text field auto populate other fields related to that...
View Articledrop-down list - working with default value
Hello, we have drop down list with enabled option "Allow Custom Text Entry" (combo-box). We need to display as a default value text : "-- Choose or Type --". After the drop down list get focus, we need...
View ArticleEmailed PDF is Blank
Hello,I was wondering if someone could help me with a really weird problem.I have a form I created that hides and shows a lot of different fields it also has some add and remove buttons. This all works...
View ArticleSingle user signing multiple Digital Signature fields - global application
I also have a project in which the user will complete & sign multiple "carbon copy- like" versions of the same form. Each "duplicate instance" of the form will have a digital signature field signed...
View Article(Livecycle) How calculate time in extensible table
Hy! Sorry for my English. I need help. I have a problem to find a simple script to calculate the time [HH:MM].I have a table where the client can add many row.The last column is for the total time per...
View ArticleLivecycle Image field upload issue with .tiff/.tif format
Hello, I have a requirement to implement image upload in pdf form which im doing with a help of "Image Field" object. I understand for uploading the image we need form to be reader extended(via Adobe...
View Articleflowable layout mandotory fields validation
Hi i have following structure Page1subformparent - flowed layoutsubformchild - position layouttextfield1 and a button called "add row". when i click on "add row" button textfield1 will be duplicate in...
View ArticleMissing Fields before Printing Warning
I’m trying to create a form that will trigger a warning when printing if there are any missing fields. There is no data collection or document management going on. I created two examples which have 4...
View ArticleChanging Global Variables using Javascript
Hi, I have a project where I need to have lots of signature fields on a single form. I don't want to use a signatureField because this will increase the file size every time a signatureField is signed....
View ArticleRadio button to determine what text is put into the body of an email
Hi all, I need some help with a radio button and java scripting. This is the code I'm using on a button with a mouse up event using Java script run at the client var oSubmit =...
View ArticleHow to make a field required
I'm using Adobe LiveCycle 8.0. I just created my first form. There is a few fields I would like to make required. I already have the TAB order the way I need it to be. Here's what I need to happen: If...
View ArticleHow do I write a specific IF statement in Adobe LiveCycle's FormCalc?
I am trying to use an IF / ELSEIF formula in FormCalc to autopopulate a text field in a table, but I keep getting a syntax error. Could someone please help? My table has 2 rows and 2 columns. I...
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