still can't get a wet signature using stylus.
Scribble signature is still looking for saved signature in folders. I need to have real time signatures written by stylus on form. I have tried different things to make this field work but it still...
View Articlelocate serial number in livecycle v8
where can I find serial number for livecycle v8 so I can deactivate it on one computer and move to another
View ArticleI cannot seem to download my recently purchased verion of LiveCycle. Any...
I cannot seem to download my recently purchased verion of LiveCycle. Any suggestions?
View ArticleAuto-populate form fields based on end user input?
I'm currently attempting to create a new form that has a combo box "Locations" with various options. What I'm looking to do is have another text field auto populate other fields related to that...
View ArticleOpening Form Clears Some Saved Data
Background:I have custom buttons with scripts that allow users to attach a file to my form. The filename appears in a ListBox. To view the file they click the filename in the ListBox and then click a...
View ArticleUnable to unhide subform in Adobe Form
Hello All,Something that should be simple has turned into a bit of a trial. I have an Adobe form with three tables with different columns. Based on a variable passed to the form say, "number_of_tests"...
View ArticleFlowing text onto a second page
I have a form where I am pasting text in a subform (occupies an entire page) a lot of text. Everything works fine when the pasted text is more then one page and I get scrolling bar at the right and a...
View ArticleCalculating times past midnight
Hello All, I am working on a timesheet for employees. It has 4 time fields (amIN, amOUT, pmIN, pmOUT) to allow for a lunch break. I have a script that calculates well for normal business hours. BUT, if...
View ArticleCan't execute button click from javascript
I'm trying to execute an Add button click-event from a folder-level javascript function. The button triggers an AddInstance on a repeatable subform. I've tried every combination of syntax I can figure...
View ArticleConnecting a drop down box and text field
I am new to livecycle and have only been using it for 2 days. I have be so grateful for all the amazing expert help I have found here. I believe my first form is almost complete. I am having a problem...
View ArticleCopy table values to new instance of table
Good Morning. I have a flowed form that looks like this. form1 Subform1 ACT (ExpandableTable) Header Row1...
View ArticleEmailed PDF is Blank
Hello,I was wondering if someone could help me with a really weird problem.I have a form I created that hides and shows a lot of different fields it also has some add and remove buttons. This all works...
View ArticleAdding Hyperlinks to a pdf form
Good Day All; Ok... this is driving me crazy. I have looked through the web to try to find a way to add a hyperlink. Can not find a thing. One would think this would be easy!Does anyone know how to add...
View ArticleCan't Edit Text- LiveCycle Designer 8.0
I've been using Livecycle for years and I've always opened up certain documents, edited the text, field boxes, etc.All of a sudden, I go to edit a PDF in Livecycle (same pdf that I've always edited)...
View Articlelivecycle add and remove row table
hi,i have a livecycle expandable form. here there is a table and add row and remove row button for adding and removing table row.when i add additional feature for save form with data it will...
View ArticleExpandable text-box, movable text, show/hide function
Hi there, I am brand new to LiveCycle and have some questions. I have already stumbled upon some threads that deal with expandable text-boxes and I have "tackled" the issue, however, is it possible...
View ArticleAdobe LiveCycle Designer ES8.2 - Patterns
Hi,I am making a form and need some help with patterns.The form I am trying to create has a box for a "program fee" where the user input the fee cost the next box is the "x number of attendees" where...
View ArticleLiveCycle won't recognize correct password
Hi all, I recently installed the full version of Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES4. After using the trial version of the software for a while, I purchased and installed the full version. Now when I try to...
View Articlecalculating times in 15 minute increments
Good Afternoon, I am making a form where we report how much leave is being used. The leave will be reported in 15 minute increments. (Ex: fifteen minutes = .15; one-half hour = .30; 45 minutes = .45) I...
View ArticleIs there a way to contain an expanding table so that it does NOT overflow?
I have a table within a positioned subform and if there are more rows in the table than space in the subform, the data overflows past the boundaries of the subform. I want the data to be cut off at...
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