I am new to LiveCylce and I have a question.
I own a auto repair shop and have a vehicle inspection form that I use for vehicles that come into the shop. Each item on the form has three checkboxes labeled for the condition of the item.
I am trying to make a new inspection form and each item on the inspection form would have one rectangle next to it that I would be able to change color depending on the condition of the item "Red" for severe or safety issue "Yellow" for recommended & "Green" for acceptable.
I would like to have three buttons on the form that when pressed would change the color of the rectangle that I am on for each color labeled Severe, Recommended & Acceptable. Or one button that could be pressed once for Red twice for yellow and three times for green. I just want to have one instance of this on the form so I don't have buttons all over the place.
I have attached a pdf of the old form so you can see what it consisted of.
Thanks in advance