Hi there,
I'm very new to livecycle and am tasked with creating fillable forms for our company. I've got a form pretty much designed and I am working now on making the various fields interactive based on the user input and selections.
I've read a bunch so far but am having some difficulty figuring out how to do something with multiple dropdown lists.
I have 2 dropdowns that are related. The items in the second are defined by the selection in the first dropdown.
I did find reference to a formcalc solution if the user selects an item in the first it defined the list in the second and I have that working but in my situation, the user can select 1 of 5 items in the first dropdown and it would define the same 3 selections in the second dropdown.
Basically, can a sepcifiy a range of values for the first dropdown that I caould then define for the 2nd dropdown?
What I have been trying so far is this:
if (form1.Account_Client_Information.Owner_subform.recipiant_type == 2 )then
$.setItems("TA- Tax Letter, Bunch of stuff")
What I'd like to do is if the recipiant_type is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 then setItems to one set of values,
Then if recipiant_type is 5 or 6 or 7 then setItems in the 2nd dropdown to another set of values.
Any tips on how this can be done would be appreciated! Thanks!