OK, I have a dynamic form that I am using an Image control on. I am using an Image, NOT an Image Field because I don't want the user to be able to click on the image and change it. I can set the URL property of the Image on Designer's object tab and the image shows up fine when I view the form. Here's the complication: the image URL needs to change a bit each time the form is rendered. So one time it may be http://www.domain.com/generate_image.php?image_id=1 and the next time it may be http://www.domain.com/generate_image.php?image_id=2. I tried setting the URL via JavaScript like this:
Page1.logo.value.image.href = "http://www.domain.com/generate_image.php?image_id=1";
The image_id will be pulled from the XML data that gets passed to the form. This successfully sets the URL property, but the image at the URL doesn't show up in the image control. I tried putting the JavaScript in several different events, like form:ready, docReady, etc, but none of them work.
I really need to show an image via a URL that can change, but I don't want to use an Image Field since the user can click on it and change the image.
Thanks in advance,
Nathan D