I've got a form here with a bunch (> 100) decimal fields, most of them set to 3 leading and 1 trailing digits (everything else is at its default value).
Now I want to create display patterns to simply display in the same way they where entered. The problem is, that a single trailing zero is either added or removed, but never simply taken from the user input. For example:
If both the display and edit patterns are set to num{zz9.9}:
- User enters 123 - display is 123.0 <- wrong
- User enters 123.0 - display is 123.0 <- correct
- User enters 123.4 - display is 123.4 <- correct
If both the display and edit patterns are set to num{zz9.z}:
- User enters 123 - display is 123 <- correct
- User enters 123.0 - display is 123 <- wrong
- User enters 123.4 - display is 123.4 <- correct
I've also tried several other pattern combinations, but nothing seems to work. Any idea on how to repair this behaviour? Changing the field type from decimal to something else would be possible, but much work (even when working directly on the xml-version of the files, as there are about 30 fragments in separate files that would need to be edited.)
Kind regards,